Wednesday 9 April 2014

Malay Superstition: Ghost

Ghost wrap, also known as ghost pocong is a type of spirit that resembles a dead body wrapped in a shroud. The ghost would normally interfere with an individual who has a weak spirit. Because it is wrapped in a shroud,  pocong move by hopping or sometimes rolling. While hopping and rolling. Pocong live independently observed by humans. They are said to be the embodiment of the human spirit that seeks to disrupt. Any party who is brave enough to catch ghosts will wrap for pocong’s packaging wealth hides a lot of money. Any party who is brave enough to catch ghosts will wrap for pocong’s packaging wealth hides a lot of money. Practitioners of magic or misguided knowledge is an act of syirik in Islam. Can bring bad luck to the ghost, when placed in front of the tombstone. Typically, there is a belief among the community about the existence of spirits in the universe that is known as Ghost. In Malay society, the belief in spirits, also known as spirit, “mambang” and “jenglot”. Has long existed since the time of animism. This superstition still continues until present time. The Malays believe ghosts usually come out at night, especially when the moon is full. Ghosts in the Malay community is formidable spirit.


Tuesday 8 April 2014

My Self

Assalamualaikum and Greetings to all my friends and Lecturers. Today I will write about the self. I was 20. Review the "International Islamic University College Selangor" (KUIS) already Semester 6 Diploma in Multimedia. In the family, I have 4 brothers and sisters, I was the eldest brother in the family. My father was a farmer and my mother is a full-time homemaker. I come from and live in the village PERLIS .. I will try my best to prove to the family that I can be successful same with others too .. I'll try to get a good certificate and get a good job.


Why Kuis? well , there's so much to be explain, let see....there's a big and very confortable mosque.Other than that, there's a lake where people can enjoy the scenery. Kuis is not as big as Other College but it has some calm and relax environment. Besides the environment and all, even though i'm taking Multimedia course , Kuis also offer Islamic subjects and it's compulsory for the course.This is very beneficial to the students who study in kuis than other places.....Andd...........the other reason why I enter kuis is because my Mother send me here..."paksaan"? or " dengan rela hati"? I'm discovering it.

Ambition? Cita-cita saya?

When I was a kid, I used to fantasize about being a superhero or a cool character from the anime i like. I often spend time at the Cybercafe Lot, play Dota with friends. While at home I play PlayStation all day, what life i had. In college I also wanted to be a photographer. Finally, up to now I still find or discover what my ambitions for the future and what I want next? I must know sooner or later before i end up being nothing .... one thing is for sure, I never give up or lose hope to God because he never gave up on us, sadly we humans are always complaints and lost hope.

Fast Food

Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone, for today i'm going to talk about fastfood .Fastfood has been very important in life for people nowadays.People in Malaysia for example, cannot live without Fastfood franchise because they have been lived with it for century haha. Me myself honestly like fastfood, because it's convenient and easy to have. My favorite is KFC, because chicken is always my favorite. , besides i also like kfc because the price is worth to its menu.Importantly i like KFC due to its sponsorship, KFC is sponsored by Zakat , in other word it's sponsored by the muslims. Some other franchise is not sponsored by the muslims, worst it's sponsored by the Israel , to make story short money should'nt be with this guys, it's not good for the world, sooo let's support KFC , hidup ayam.!


Tasik Chini is a natural freshwater lake the second largest in Malaysia. Tasik Chini is made up of 13 water bodies are connected. Historians believe that Tasik Chini is the site of an ancient Khmer city.

Tasik Chini is blessed with vast natural treasures, rich in biological resources. There are regional flora, vertebrates and freshwater fish species. Thousands of white water lilies and pink will appear on the lake in August and September, transforming the lake into a garden of colourful floats.

It is one of the most popular activities at Tasik Chini. The best time for fishing is between November to January when the rainy season to increase the number of lakes.

My Idol

Salam and greetings. My idol would be and will only be the Prophet, Our beloved prophet       Muhammad Peace be Upon him. He is the best role model and idol that everyone should         admire, until the end of the world. No one is this world can be as perfect as him , in term of every aspects. He has left us everything, guidance, his sunnah and his teachings. Everything is PERFECT, I ended this here, it can't be describe just by writing alone...He is one of a kind, May Allah always make us remember Our prophet and his teachings.  .

Ways to Dakwah

Salam and Good Afternoon, for today i'm going to talk about dakwah using social media. it's very common nowadays that a sheikh or an uztaz share some of their knowledge and Islamic points in social media such as Facebook or twitter. At the same time People can learn and asked this experts straight trough this social media.

Benefits of using social media to learn English


for today lets talk about what do you get from using social media. Well for example facebook, haha man almost everyone in this world has an account , i'm pretty sure everyone know facebook.As you know, by using facebook people learn English. For example by liking English pages or groups, you will meet new friends and most of them use English to communicate. Take this Opportunity to improve english by chat with new friends in English or read some articles posted in some of the reading and writing, this will improve your English hahaAHHAHAHAHAAHhahaha. ...ok i'm done


The number doesn't have any meanings.


This is ABADI. people call he LUBIS, why? Don't ask me because he is from Indon..ahahahahhaha...


This is FENDI. he is Businessman. He will became Billionaire someday that is InsyaAllah..                   


This is TAUFIQ.. we call he TOPEK..i don't not why we call he TOPEK, maybe is so cute..ahahahhaha


This is PAAN.. i call he he work at TV3..

This is FAIZ..i call he JUGEK..i don't now why he name is JUGEK.. he so hansom boy..ahahahah..he like a spy.


Benefits Of Solat

Solat is one of the five fundamental requirements that a Muslim is obligated to perform. Solat is given the highest priority in the Holy Quran. There are many benefits of Solat described in the Book of Allah. It says, innassalata tanha anil fahsha'i, Surely Prayer restrains one from indecency. (29:46) In chapter Luqman, We read that when Hadhrat Luqman was giving advice to his son, the first and foremost on his mind was to remind his son, ya bunayya aqimissalat "O my dear son,! observe Prayer." (31:8)
According to a Hadith the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, inna fissalati shifa'a " verily there is cure in solat ". According to a Muslim scholar, as reported in monthly Urdu magazine, Tahazibul Akhlaq, Aligarh, India, a Muslim who offers solat regularly has very little chance of getting arthritis as we exercise our bones and joints while we offer solat.