Tuesday 8 April 2014

Benefits Of Solat

Solat is one of the five fundamental requirements that a Muslim is obligated to perform. Solat is given the highest priority in the Holy Quran. There are many benefits of Solat described in the Book of Allah. It says, innassalata tanha anil fahsha'i, Surely Prayer restrains one from indecency. (29:46) In chapter Luqman, We read that when Hadhrat Luqman was giving advice to his son, the first and foremost on his mind was to remind his son, ya bunayya aqimissalat "O my dear son,! observe Prayer." (31:8)
According to a Hadith the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, inna fissalati shifa'a " verily there is cure in solat ". According to a Muslim scholar, as reported in monthly Urdu magazine, Tahazibul Akhlaq, Aligarh, India, a Muslim who offers solat regularly has very little chance of getting arthritis as we exercise our bones and joints while we offer solat.

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